Vim editor tips

Vim editor tips n tricks

Most of the vim commands are applicable to "gvim" also. Gvim requires a X display server. So it cant be used in ssh sessions.

Multiple tabs in Vim

 vim -p  

Multiple tabs with 'find' utility

 vim -p $(find -name "*.h" )  

Quit all tabs


Switch to next tab


Switch to previous tab


Current .vimrc

I'm using the current .vimrc in my machines.
 set hlsearch  
 colorscheme murphy  
 set softtabstop=4  
 set shiftwidth=4  
 set smartindent
 set guioptions-=L
 set clipboard=unnamedplus
"set guioptions-=L" is used to fix the cursor missing issue, as mentioned in this link.
"set clipboard=unnamedplus" is used to copy the contents to clipboard. Verify the vim version before proceeding. Check this link for more info.


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